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Coir Carpet
Coir matting's are used for indoors, outdoors, stairs, runner, foyers or as room rugs;
It can be used to cover large areas and our coir matting are great for the home & office with easy maintenance, they can be vacuumed, taken outside and shaken and coir rugs have a natural resistance to water so they do not easy rot.

We have variety range of coir and coir blended floor coverings woven on machine looms. Our designs include Panama, Bouchle, Herring Bone etc.
Coir Matting are available in any size and measurement with Natural ,Bleech or colored. Contact us for more info.
Available in 12x12, 18x18, 24x24 inches, in any color and quantity. Best Natural tiles for Traditional style homes, Spas etc.

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